Cut Your Electricity Bills with Solar Power in India

With the world increasingly focusing on renewable energy and the importance of going green, the Indian Government has taken significant steps to support this movement by offering substantial subsidies for installing solar panels on residential properties. Transitioning to solar power can lead to significant savings on electricity bills, potentially reducing them to zero, depending on usage. In this article, we will explore how much you can save on your electricity bill using Aptel High-tech Solar Systems, specially designed for India’s variable weather conditions.
Aptel is an Indian solar manufacturer that designs and sells advanced technical solar systems, enabling customers to maximize their savings on electricity bills. Let’s illustrate this with an example:
Suppose your household’s daily average electricity usage is 7 units, resulting in a monthly average consumption of 210 units. Assuming the electricity rate in your area is approximately 7 rupees per unit, your monthly electricity bill would be 210 x 7 = 1470 rupees. In most regions of India, electricity bills are issued every two months, so your electricity bill would be around 1470 x 2 = 2940 rupees.
From this, we can infer that your electricity bill would be around 3000 rupees every two months. Now, if you switch to solar and install an Aptel 3.24 kW solar system (the size of the system depends on your electricity usage), you will be able to generate more electricity than your consumption, making your electricity bill nearly zero.* (Click Here to know the rates)
Furthermore, with the implementation of the state-guaranteed feed-in tariff for grid-connected energy generation from photovoltaic and solar thermal sources in India, citizens can sell the excess electricity generated to the grid and earn money from the government. (This depends on the DISCOM)
Aptel Experts have served more than 11,000 customers across India, and with its high-tech solar panels, customers are already generating more electricity than they consume. If you are considering investing in solar, give us a call, and we will guide you to the perfect solar system and subsidy for your household.