Mr. Tirthraj Bhatt


Starting life with petro chemical business like petrolpumps dealership, Oil manufacturing, building construction etc.
Personal Biography

Starting life with petro chemical business like petrolpumps dealership, Oil manufacturing, building construction, Land Development, Electric Vehicle, EV Charging Station, Solar EPC, Finance Related Projects. 

Professional Skills
Heat pumps are gradually becoming more popular in Irish homes. lot of this is down to the 2008 Building Regulations where they require.







Associated with Liance club Rajnagar

Shree K.K Doshi Vishnima Bhuvan Nathdhwara (Trustee)

Shree Sarvmangladrvi Mandir (Trustee)

Shree Pragati Trust Ahmedabad (Trustee)

Modasa Kelvani Mandal Donner Trustee

Professional Skills
We Care Solar is an organisation that provides big solar energy a systems to hospitals in area without reliable electricity. Solar is a organisation.
mission is to ensure a safety of mothers & newborns by providing health facilities with solar energy to systems. This inspiring cause is why we feel We Care Solar definitely deserves to win the award.
Organisation that provides efficient solar energy systems to hospitals areas without reliable electricity. We Care Solar is not a typical solar its mission is to ensure the safety of mothers and newborns by providing health facilities with solar energy systems.